

In order to volunteer in activities where adults may be alone with children, volunteers and employees need to be compliant with the Diocese's "Protecting God's Children" (Safe Environment) program requirements (also referred to as VIRTUS). The process includes an online background check as well as attendance at a "Protecting God's Children for Adults" training session throughout the diocese.

Our Human Resources office maintains a list of compliant individuals. If you are not on the list, you will not be able to volunteer or work in the school. To be compliant, all individuals must attend the training seminar and have their background check paperwork cleared before beginning employment or volunteer work.

Background Check & Training Session

As of July 2019, the Office of Child Protection will no longer accept paper forms for background checks. Employees and volunteers must now submit their background check information electronically through The Office of Child Protection and Victim Assistance. Training session dates, times and location may be found at VIRTUSOnline.
For assistance with or questions regarding the application process, please contact Mrs. Tina Becker

VIRTUS Renewal

The Catholic Diocese of Arlington policy requires Continuing Education (CE) of all volunteers and employees every three years. For new volunteers or employees, the 3-year requirement starts on the beginning date of volunteering or employment. For those who have already been employed or volunteering for more than three years or are new employees during FY16, the anniversary date is July 1, 2015. CE requirements are conducted via an online video that is sent to individuals on their anniversary date.